Huft.. Gak terasa uda hampir sebulan gak prnh isi ini blog,,
duh gara" terlalu sibuk dengan rutinitas membuat qu kehilangan bbrp waktu untuk bisa menuliskan moment spesial yg terjadi..
Sekarang I Come Back..
Kali ini aku kepengen serius buat ngelola blog ini,
gak mau lagi deh sembarangan..
Uda saatnya kita serius dengan setiap hal yg kita kerjakan..
Masa depan kita ditentukan pada saat ini..
Bukan karena masa lalu..
kalau sesuatu yg lum terjadi..
Tapi setiap detik yg kita yg sedang terjadi inilah masa depan kita..
Semua hal yg kita lakukan disaat ini lah yang menentukan masa depan kita..
Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010
Kamis, 30 September 2010
hari ini aku baru saja bertemu dengan na..
tapi rasa na bimbang sendiri..
Aku ndak mengerti kenapa..
Tapi aku merasa kalau dia tidak akan mungkin menyukaiku..
ah aku ragu..
aku bimbang..
mana mungkin dia bisa menyukai ku..
hal itu terasa mustahil..
seandainya dia tau perasaan ku..
seandainya dia tau kalau aku menyayanginya..
Tapi ya sudahlah..
perasaan ini tulus apa adanya..
biarkan aja semua berjalan apa adanya.. :)
hari ini aku baru saja bertemu dengan na..
tapi rasa na bimbang sendiri..
Aku ndak mengerti kenapa..
Tapi aku merasa kalau dia tidak akan mungkin menyukaiku..
ah aku ragu..
aku bimbang..
mana mungkin dia bisa menyukai ku..
hal itu terasa mustahil..
seandainya dia tau perasaan ku..
seandainya dia tau kalau aku menyayanginya..
Tapi ya sudahlah..
perasaan ini tulus apa adanya..
biarkan aja semua berjalan apa adanya.. :)
Rabu, 29 September 2010
Jatuh Cinta
Ini untuk kesekian kalinya aku jatuh cinta..
Tapi aku merasa kali ini beda..
Sebut saja namanya LS..
Aku baru mengenal LS itu baru beberapa minggu, mungkin tepatnya baru 2 minggu..
Aku bertemu dengannya dalam di dalam sebuah perkumpulan pemuda yang bernama BG yaitu Beyond Generation.. dia menjadi salah seorang pengurus di dalamnya..
Tapi aku masuk ke BG bukan karena dia lhoo.. Ini karena emank dari hati aku sendiri, soal dia itu ya seiring berjalan waktu aku jadi mulai menyukainya..
Aku sadar aku mulai menyukainya..
Aku terlalu takut untuk mendekatinya..
Aku takut kalau dia akan menjauhiku..
Aku merasa kalau dia tak kan mungkin mencintaiku..
Ehm.. Pada malam ini aku senang sekali..
karena bisa duduk di samping dia pas kebaktian..
Thanks God.. ^^
Kemudian pulangnya kami bisa rapat bersama, selain itu abis dari situ, kami pergi makan bersama dengan pengurus BG..
Yup tentu saja ada dia.. Dia pakai motor.. Sebenarnya pengen banget diantarin sama dia.. Tapi mana mungkin dia mau yah.. ahhahahahaa
hmm.. tp aku cukup senang karena tadi bisa makan bareng n duduk di depan dia..
Seandainya aku diberi kesempatan..
Aku ingin mencintainya, Bapa..
Seandainya rasa ini bisa tersampaikan..
Sepenggal ungkapan dari hati yang tulus..
Untuk bisa mencintaimu..
Tapi apalah daya ini..
Hanya bisa melihatmu saja..
Itu sudah cukup bagiku..
Ini untuk kesekian kalinya aku jatuh cinta..
Tapi aku merasa kali ini beda..
Sebut saja namanya LS..
Aku baru mengenal LS itu baru beberapa minggu, mungkin tepatnya baru 2 minggu..
Aku bertemu dengannya dalam di dalam sebuah perkumpulan pemuda yang bernama BG yaitu Beyond Generation.. dia menjadi salah seorang pengurus di dalamnya..
Tapi aku masuk ke BG bukan karena dia lhoo.. Ini karena emank dari hati aku sendiri, soal dia itu ya seiring berjalan waktu aku jadi mulai menyukainya..
Aku sadar aku mulai menyukainya..
Aku terlalu takut untuk mendekatinya..
Aku takut kalau dia akan menjauhiku..
Aku merasa kalau dia tak kan mungkin mencintaiku..
Ehm.. Pada malam ini aku senang sekali..
karena bisa duduk di samping dia pas kebaktian..
Thanks God.. ^^
Kemudian pulangnya kami bisa rapat bersama, selain itu abis dari situ, kami pergi makan bersama dengan pengurus BG..
Yup tentu saja ada dia.. Dia pakai motor.. Sebenarnya pengen banget diantarin sama dia.. Tapi mana mungkin dia mau yah.. ahhahahahaa
hmm.. tp aku cukup senang karena tadi bisa makan bareng n duduk di depan dia..
Seandainya aku diberi kesempatan..
Aku ingin mencintainya, Bapa..
Seandainya rasa ini bisa tersampaikan..
Sepenggal ungkapan dari hati yang tulus..
Untuk bisa mencintaimu..
Tapi apalah daya ini..
Hanya bisa melihatmu saja..
Itu sudah cukup bagiku..
Minggu, 26 September 2010
Dukung Proses Hukum Felice ( Please support the law process for Felice)
Explanation About Felice
Felice is going for a camp in which the teachers believed that the camp's goal is to teach independence to children.
The camp is compulsory and if the students do not attend, they still have to pay quite an expensive amount of money for 2 nights 3 days camp at Sukabumi, Villa Pinus (indonesia.)
The camp is conducted from primary 2 to 6.
On the very first day, Felice passed away around afternoon.
we, the family, were informed at 3 pm but she was dead before 3pm.
firstly, the school were irresponsible because we, the family were called not at the moment when she was drowned, but after she died in the hospital, at the death room.
When we were on the way to the hospital, we were told that she was fainted, however, she was actually has died for few hrs ago.
Secondly, although the past 2 same trips few years ago were successfully carried out, the 3rd trip was a disaster.
The schedule for the trip were vague and that the schedule has no swimming as one of the activities.
So the teachers actually allowed students to swim without parental consent, but based on the students votes.
The teachers told us that they asked the students and only allowed those who answered that they could swim were allowed to swim.
However, the teachers should know the children's psychology, they are still young, especially primary 2 students who could lie that they could swim just because they wanted to join in the fun.
How could they trust those little children?
For Felice, we dont allow her to bring any swimming related clothes and equipments.
The teachers shouldnt allow those who didnt wear proper costume to go for a swim.
And the evidence of her wet clothes (the last clothes she wore when she swam) was not found.
The teachers claimed that they need to cut her clothes into half so as to allow them to do a CPR. However, the clothes were not returned to us.
The hospital told us that she was drowned as her stomach was bloated, full of water.
The teachers at the site claimed that they are taking care of those children, but how could they be so naive to think that she was playing when she was already floating?
Her friends told us that they are the one who help felice and not the teachers, while the teachers claimed they were the one who help her, not her friends.
EVen if the teachers claimed that they were at the site, where are their eyes?
The schedule for the trip was vague and unclear.
But it is confirmed that from the list of things that she needs to bring for the trip and the schedule of the trip, there was no swimming stated as one of the activities.
the parents of other students re-confirmed that there is no swimming session in the whole trip.
The owner of the school told me that they were supposed to take a nap, not swimming, but because of the votes from children, they change the activities .
The hospital told the news that by the time she reached hospital, she was already dead. Her body was very bluish, showing that she was dead for quite a long time,
bt we were told that she was fainted! we couldnt contact the teachers when we were on our way,they do not wish to pick up our calls...
and, they blame her that she was having epilepsi...
well, all her life, she was really healthy,
she loves to play with water since young, since baby...
but she has never had any problem when she went to swimming pool (ancol,jakarta) with my parents. She play with water like any other children,
while epilepsi, means that when they get into water, they will tremble...
but she DID NOT!' How could teachers said that without knowing and having a proper evidence! we as the family knows her condition better than anyone else!
of course her mouth comes out bubbles, not because she has that disease, but becasue her body was full of water!
She rarely falls ill, and whenn she gets sick, it is only a flu or a cough bt it heals after few days...
that makes my father take the case to the law as it is obvious that the school is not doing the right thing, and that they are covering many information,the truth about the incident.
We dont ask for money, life couldnt be bought with money, all we need is truth...
SHe must not go without knowing the truth. SHe must be remembered as someone who will save other children's life.
she cares a lot for her friends and family,
we hope that this serves as a learning point to parents, students, teachers, principals, schools, etc.
However we were totally disappointed by the teachers and principals, they underestimate us and thought we were not serious about this case,
only after they saw that we have lawyer, then they started to say sorry, asking forgiveness, asking for peace, even telling us that they are willing to 'compensate'...
hey, her life is not worth that dirty money!
i dont want her purity to be dirtied with materials!
i look at them deep inside their eyes , i dont see their sincerity,.
their mouth and tongue, the words that comes out is "i am sorry, i felt bad, but we have done our best" and not admitting that it is their carelesness!
they do admit but when they say sorry to me one by one, they do not say it individually.
i told them "done ur best? u think u have done ur best? REFLECT BACK on ur actions! "
so irresponsible, selfish....
Having a heart of ASH.
we hope that they have that courage to take up the responsibility, saying the truth, not covering it up!
the principal promised me that they will tell the truth...
but his words are BULLSHIT!
We sincerely let her go, we know that she is in heaven,
but we were totally disappointed with the teachers whom she respect, and the school.
We trust them that they will take care,..
then why they do not ask about our permissioN!
as parents, they wanted to follow, but they were not allowed to.
of course the only thing that they could do is to trust the teachers!
how do we know that they change the activity without parents' permissioN?
the goal of the trip is to be independent?
well, primary 2 students... i dont think that age of 7 are old enough to go for a trip stayover without parents!
primary 5 or 6 are still acceptable.
1 teacher to take care of 3 students? them where is his/her eyes who are supposedly to take care of her?
the chronology is still vague and sometimes a doesnt makes sense.
the school and teachers covers up information.
we sincerely let her go, we do not ask for revenge.the case is in the process of lawsuit not because of money, revenge, or any negative
actions but truth!
We are disappointed at how they organised the trip and how they ensure the safety of the students.
Discipline and safety were not handled carefully and strictly.
they must not only be remminded every day, but APPLIED SERIOUSLY!
this case has shows how much they ensure discipline, safety, being responsible...
we hope the parents are more careful...
we hope schools were more responsible...
teachers are more reliable and trustworthy...
~You ask "how deep is our love?"~
I have made a poem from me-to-you,
representing the family,
*Our love is as vast as the ocean
Our love is as high as the clear blue sky
You are our Rainbow, our Sunshine,
Our Brightest Star
We love you more than words can say.*
by: felicity.
please support her lawsuit...
from :
Felice is going for a camp in which the teachers believed that the camp's goal is to teach independence to children.
The camp is compulsory and if the students do not attend, they still have to pay quite an expensive amount of money for 2 nights 3 days camp at Sukabumi, Villa Pinus (indonesia.)
The camp is conducted from primary 2 to 6.
On the very first day, Felice passed away around afternoon.
we, the family, were informed at 3 pm but she was dead before 3pm.
firstly, the school were irresponsible because we, the family were called not at the moment when she was drowned, but after she died in the hospital, at the death room.
When we were on the way to the hospital, we were told that she was fainted, however, she was actually has died for few hrs ago.
Secondly, although the past 2 same trips few years ago were successfully carried out, the 3rd trip was a disaster.
The schedule for the trip were vague and that the schedule has no swimming as one of the activities.
So the teachers actually allowed students to swim without parental consent, but based on the students votes.
The teachers told us that they asked the students and only allowed those who answered that they could swim were allowed to swim.
However, the teachers should know the children's psychology, they are still young, especially primary 2 students who could lie that they could swim just because they wanted to join in the fun.
How could they trust those little children?
For Felice, we dont allow her to bring any swimming related clothes and equipments.
The teachers shouldnt allow those who didnt wear proper costume to go for a swim.
And the evidence of her wet clothes (the last clothes she wore when she swam) was not found.
The teachers claimed that they need to cut her clothes into half so as to allow them to do a CPR. However, the clothes were not returned to us.
The hospital told us that she was drowned as her stomach was bloated, full of water.
The teachers at the site claimed that they are taking care of those children, but how could they be so naive to think that she was playing when she was already floating?
Her friends told us that they are the one who help felice and not the teachers, while the teachers claimed they were the one who help her, not her friends.
EVen if the teachers claimed that they were at the site, where are their eyes?
The schedule for the trip was vague and unclear.
But it is confirmed that from the list of things that she needs to bring for the trip and the schedule of the trip, there was no swimming stated as one of the activities.
the parents of other students re-confirmed that there is no swimming session in the whole trip.
The owner of the school told me that they were supposed to take a nap, not swimming, but because of the votes from children, they change the activities .
The hospital told the news that by the time she reached hospital, she was already dead. Her body was very bluish, showing that she was dead for quite a long time,
bt we were told that she was fainted! we couldnt contact the teachers when we were on our way,they do not wish to pick up our calls...
and, they blame her that she was having epilepsi...
well, all her life, she was really healthy,
she loves to play with water since young, since baby...
but she has never had any problem when she went to swimming pool (ancol,jakarta) with my parents. She play with water like any other children,
while epilepsi, means that when they get into water, they will tremble...
but she DID NOT!' How could teachers said that without knowing and having a proper evidence! we as the family knows her condition better than anyone else!
of course her mouth comes out bubbles, not because she has that disease, but becasue her body was full of water!
She rarely falls ill, and whenn she gets sick, it is only a flu or a cough bt it heals after few days...
that makes my father take the case to the law as it is obvious that the school is not doing the right thing, and that they are covering many information,the truth about the incident.
We dont ask for money, life couldnt be bought with money, all we need is truth...
SHe must not go without knowing the truth. SHe must be remembered as someone who will save other children's life.
she cares a lot for her friends and family,
we hope that this serves as a learning point to parents, students, teachers, principals, schools, etc.
However we were totally disappointed by the teachers and principals, they underestimate us and thought we were not serious about this case,
only after they saw that we have lawyer, then they started to say sorry, asking forgiveness, asking for peace, even telling us that they are willing to 'compensate'...
hey, her life is not worth that dirty money!
i dont want her purity to be dirtied with materials!
i look at them deep inside their eyes , i dont see their sincerity,.
their mouth and tongue, the words that comes out is "i am sorry, i felt bad, but we have done our best" and not admitting that it is their carelesness!
they do admit but when they say sorry to me one by one, they do not say it individually.
i told them "done ur best? u think u have done ur best? REFLECT BACK on ur actions! "
so irresponsible, selfish....
Having a heart of ASH.
we hope that they have that courage to take up the responsibility, saying the truth, not covering it up!
the principal promised me that they will tell the truth...
but his words are BULLSHIT!
We sincerely let her go, we know that she is in heaven,
but we were totally disappointed with the teachers whom she respect, and the school.
We trust them that they will take care,..
then why they do not ask about our permissioN!
as parents, they wanted to follow, but they were not allowed to.
of course the only thing that they could do is to trust the teachers!
how do we know that they change the activity without parents' permissioN?
the goal of the trip is to be independent?
well, primary 2 students... i dont think that age of 7 are old enough to go for a trip stayover without parents!
primary 5 or 6 are still acceptable.
1 teacher to take care of 3 students? them where is his/her eyes who are supposedly to take care of her?
the chronology is still vague and sometimes a doesnt makes sense.
the school and teachers covers up information.
we sincerely let her go, we do not ask for revenge.the case is in the process of lawsuit not because of money, revenge, or any negative
actions but truth!
We are disappointed at how they organised the trip and how they ensure the safety of the students.
Discipline and safety were not handled carefully and strictly.
they must not only be remminded every day, but APPLIED SERIOUSLY!
this case has shows how much they ensure discipline, safety, being responsible...
we hope the parents are more careful...
we hope schools were more responsible...
teachers are more reliable and trustworthy...
~You ask "how deep is our love?"~
I have made a poem from me-to-you,
representing the family,
*Our love is as vast as the ocean
Our love is as high as the clear blue sky
You are our Rainbow, our Sunshine,
Our Brightest Star
We love you more than words can say.*
by: felicity.
please support her lawsuit...
from :